{ insh’allahdeo volente — إِنْ شَاءَ ٱللّٰهُ‎ }

Gnosis of the Lost Comic Dungeons (Ministry of Unconcealment)

Gnosis of the Lost Comic Dungeons (Ministry of Unconcealment)

Having but one heart, so must I accept with it.

Having but one sight, so must I adjure with it.

Having but one will, so must I incept with it.

Having but one voice, so must I intone with it.

Having but one Love, so must I conjoin with it.

To bring into fullness the ripened emolument of care.

The light of ages rests upon your countenance, ye scion of the living spiritus.

So may it be, ever and ever well with you.

{ namaskaar — नमस्कार् }

Ponderances of Appetite (Ministry of Muse & Measures)

Ponderances of Appetite (Ministry of Muse & Measures)

Flight to Unforgotten Futures Past (Ministry of the Continuity of Engrossment)

Flight to Unforgotten Futures Past (Ministry of the Continuity of Engrossment)

The Cloister—Rook’s Folly, Winnowing Peaks, Northwestern Susurria (Ministry of the Arcanum)

The Cloister—Rook’s Folly, Winnowing Peaks, Northwestern Susurria (Ministry of the Arcanum)


You Can’t Afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought, by Peter McWilliams


To you is left quietly to unravel
Your life, full of fears,
So that it, bounded and immeasurable,
Is changed in you by turns to stone and stars.
— Rainer Maria Rilke