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Fog Lifts from the Heartspace—Center Canopy, Susurria (Ministry of Love)

Fog Lifts from the Heartspace—Center Canopy, Susurria (Ministry of Love)


As our fellow Susurrian-in-heart, we welcome anything you would care to offer—including (and most especially) the simple opportunity to care about you.

This corner of our little webspace will allow you to join us on Patreon for updates and certain Patron-exclusive content, as well as link directly to TSP on PayPal and Venmo (thereby furnishing you with the opportunity to make a donation or financial pledge to TSP’s initiative—as the spirit moves you).

And a heartfelt thank you, should you indeed toss a coin, O valley of plenty!

Never forget: this life is all about energy, and we welcome energetic parity with you. We want you to be seen, to be felt, to be understood—no matter what—and to feel that care acting positively upon your own life.

It’s true that the most auspicious beginnings involve an overabundance of yea-saying. So we say ‘yea’ to ye—whatever your position and reality, we accept your sovereignty and humanity, and want to express respect, compassion, and Love. In so doing, we hope that some small part of the Project has direct-messaged your soul for the good.

We offer what content we may (and yes, I’ve been using the royal “we”, by the way—thus far, it’s only me-‘n-the-pygmy-pony-over-by-the-dental-floss-bush, working on this thing!) in service to the path of Returnism—a coming-back of the heart to a space of deep emotional safety, imagination, and delight.

This is the eternal reason, the only drive needed to want to solder together these little worlds stitched purely out of feeling and vibe, the only impetus required to hang them up, here before you: that they might perhaps glint in the light of truth, and that their light might, just perhaps, enkindle your own.

Know that this content—be it writing, music, information, or art in any form—is offered freely and willfully to the would-be consumer at the cost of their own time and attention, nothing more.

We ask—I ask—simply that credit be given as is appropriate, and moreover, that you allow this work to aid you, somehow, on your journey hence. As a full-time content creator (and part-time teacher/knife sharpener) I consider it a privilege to be able to express myself, and I want to inspire a feeling of gladness, reciprocity, gratitude, and generosity above all.

To all my fellow searchers, dreamers, ponderers, and wanderers out there…be welcome in my heartspace, and be of good cheer!

Today—against such odds!—we have reconnected, once more. And that is enough. I bless the happy circumstance that brought you here.

Truth be known, this Project has always been for you.

So let your heart guide you in all things, dear friend. It brought you here, and now…well, who can say what’s next?

a sol rosen

Gorsedd of the Grandmasters (Ministry of Parity)

Gorsedd of the Grandmasters (Ministry of Parity)

“Got ‘Er Scald” (Ministry of the Vernacular)

“Got ‘Er Scald” (Ministry of the Vernacular)

In cases of personal offense, I endeavor to raise the soul to a height whereupon the trespass cannot touch it.
— René Descartes